WORN_3.0 1/1 Edition
Last Sold: 0.3ETH to @TROPOFARMER

A WebGL audiovisual artwork and handwritten smart-contract containing a single token created by White Lights exploring the processes of burnout and anxiety.

The artwork itself is generative, stored on-chain, and scalable to any screen resolution. The waveform of White Lights’ song ‘Worn’ combined with the viewer’s interactions determine the internal attributes of the piece in real-time.

The owner of this artwork can unlock access to the lossless master audio file of WORN, my personal contact information, and never-before-seen liner notes using their cryptowallet. Why? To illustrate the additional utility of cryptoart for digital art patrons beyond the massive improvements to permanence and provenance for the art itself. One day this could be a lifetime backstage pass, who knows?

A technical breakdown:

Arweave’s blockchain hosts the artwork’s source code on the permaweb, while Ethereum’s blockchain stores the metadata & provenance of the artwork on-chain within the NFT itself. This technology makes it one of the first genuinely permanent, decentralized, and generative pieces of 3D artwork.

Supports WebGL1 and WebGL2, guaranteeing that the art will function in-browser for decades to come.

HTML Format
(1 .html File)

10,683,668 bytes | 10.7MB
Infinite Duration and Resolution


ERC721 Token
Verified Contract on Etherscan
Scored 80/100 by Art for All NFT